Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Lobster Claws and Flaming Swords catch your attention

Amongst very showy greenhouse specimens difficult to name out of flower yet most obvious in bloom are Flaming Sword, Lobster Claws and Painted Feather. These names accurately describe the fantastical red and yellow waxy flower spikes of massed bracts. Blooms once seen never forgotten, almost surreal, and so resembling plastic that people feel it necessary […]

So common yet so seldom in a greenhouse

Okay, guess, what is a really ornamental foliage plant ideal for greenhouse or conservatory. Definitely attractive, tough as old boots, not prone to pests or diseases, quick to grow, easy to multiply, obliging as to compost, withstands poor watering regimes and will do in any position surviving sun or shade. So robust we usually give […]

Possibly the longest blooming house plant

Anthuriums are another gorgeous greenhouse flower that is not really a flower, or rather most of each one is not. These are Araceae or Aroids, tropical versions of our native Lords and Ladies Arums. The flower shaped spathes often glossy and in many flamboyant shades have rod shaped spadix composed of a myriad tiny true […]

When is a flower not a flower and even prettier

Often with greenhouse plants we find beautiful blooms such as Bougainvillea are not really flowers at all. These are spectacular displays of modified leaves termed bracts. These bracts form the visible ‘blooms’ and look wonderful for many weeks. Whereas the real floral parts are almost insignificant and not long lived. Anyway this technical difference matters […]


Sounds like a sneeze, but very pretty, Kalanchoe Kalanchoes are tender greenhouse succulents with masses of brilliantly coloured small flowers that last many weeks in bloom. Most species come from West Africa, Asia and Madagascar, though the name is apparently of Chinese origin. Anyway Kalanchoes have also been called Bryophyllums, Kitchingias, Crassulas and Vereas. One […]

Sweet Basil: King of the Kitchen Herbs

Whereas many greenhouse plants are essentially decorative or useful basils may be both. Crucial fresh as an essential culinary herb a pot or several of basil can also be rather attractive especially the small leaved sorts. Indeed pots of manicured small leaved basil can substitute for box topiary during the summer. To be fair though […]

Scarlet Geranium

This greenhouse family gives us surprisingly tough house and conservatory plants, also loved as outdoor summer bedding and happy in fairly cramped containers. These have gorgeous flowers and beautiful foliage year round in a bewildering range of colours. With different leaf shapes and patterns, even trailing varieties, many are scented and some can be used […]

The beautiful Jacobean lily, Sprekelia formosissima

Any greenhouse, conservatory or sunny windowsill will be graced by the tropical beauty and perfection of a pot of Jacobean lilies. The flowers are relatively huge reaching saucer or side-plate size and a foot or so high, in richest crimson lightly marked with gold, these first appear in early summer then again through summer. Sprekelia […]