Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

So common yet so seldom in a greenhouse

Okay, guess, what is a really ornamental foliage plant ideal for greenhouse or conservatory. Definitely attractive, tough as old boots, not prone to pests or diseases, quick to grow, easy to multiply, obliging as to compost, withstands poor watering regimes and will do in any position surviving sun or shade. So robust we usually give […]

Not the bee’s knees

Dumbing down the National Pollinator Strategy is unlikely to inspire gardeners to take their vital role seriously – so it’s hardly going to help the bees. My job, as an independent gardening writer, is not just to tap out occasionally colourful, hopefully informative, possibly thought-prodding and – dare I say it – sometimes witty prose […]

Possibly the longest blooming house plant

Anthuriums are another gorgeous greenhouse flower that is not really a flower, or rather most of each one is not. These are Araceae or Aroids, tropical versions of our native Lords and Ladies Arums. The flower shaped spathes often glossy and in many flamboyant shades have rod shaped spadix composed of a myriad tiny true […]

Bonfire bonus and seasonal tips

Remember, remember the fifth of November is an ideal opportunity to burn woody material that doesn’t compost readily. Build your bonfire as late as possible so hedgehogs and amphibians don’t take up residence beforehand, then save the wood ash. It is a good source of potash for fruiting trees, though younger wood contains more than […]

When is a flower not a flower and even prettier

Often with greenhouse plants we find beautiful blooms such as Bougainvillea are not really flowers at all. These are spectacular displays of modified leaves termed bracts. These bracts form the visible ‘blooms’ and look wonderful for many weeks. Whereas the real floral parts are almost insignificant and not long lived. Anyway this technical difference matters […]