Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Written in United States

Growing avocados and other exotic edibles

Hasn’t this been the challenging summer? Here in the Rockies, we’ve experienced cool days and regular drenching rainfall seemingly every afternoon from June to July — the garden loved it! But. Unseasonable cool days and nightime temps below 50° were not a joy for the edibles: Were I growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, the harvest […]

Written in United States

Solving Your Summertime Water Woes

In summertime, it’s hot and dry in much of America for extended periods of time, but plants still need water – typically lots of it. What’s more, keeping greenhouse plants watered in these extreme conditions is made even harder when local communities impose lawn and garden watering bans to conserve their rapidly depleting water resources […]