Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Chitting potatoes and sowing seeds

From February onwards, itā€™s time to sprout (or ā€˜chitā€™) first and second ā€˜earlyā€™ potatoes. Put your potatoes in a tray or egg box with the ā€˜roseā€™ end, where there is the greatest density of ā€˜eyesā€™ or buds, at the top, keep them at about 7C (45F), then, after four to five weeks the shoots should […]


An almost forgotten scented plant ideal for a greenhouse is Mignonette. Allegedly a ā€™discoveryā€™ of Napoleon, who sent seed to Empress Josephine from his Egyptian campaign in 1798 (Reseda odorata grows wild in N. Africa). Her followers adopted Mignonette (French for ā€˜little darlingā€™) which soon became fashionable, especially in pots for perfuming balconies and terraces. […]

Written in United States

Shrubs Complete the Garden Picture

As my garden in Colorado has matured, so have I, and the post-Christmas lull and polar vortex winter has given me thinking time, a chance to identify ā€œimprovementsā€ in the aid of slow and low maintenance, and to read a book or five, including Shrouded in Light: Naturalistic Planting Inspired by Wild Shrublands, a book […]