Hartley Magazine

Greenhouse growing

Month by month

As seen in Gardens Illustrated A new guide on the 1st of every month

Feeding, watering and ‘pinching out’

After a wet, cold May and low light, let’s hope plants and people can finally enjoy some sunshine. Aubergines, peppers and chillies should be transplanted into pots one or two sizes larger once they have formed a good root system but before they become pot bound. Transplant repeatedly until they reach a final pot size […]

Look ahead to spring – take two!

Although we should be looking forward to May, it’s impossible not to comment on April’s extraordinary weather where conditions were totally alien gardeners in warmer parts of the UK. First sowings were abandoned or delayed and the ground was too cold and dry for transplanting. I have never known anything like it! First of all, […]

Growing Tips for Beginners: Greenhouse Gardening 101

The Romans were recorded as the first to create greenhouses, specifically growing cucumbers for Emperor Tiberius. There are early Korean records of greenhouses being used to grow flowers and force vegetables by 1438, and the Chinese grew mandarin trees indoors – the first ‘greene’ houses. In 1663,  the Orangery was opened at Versailles. The Victorian […]

What to do in the glasshouse on Christmas day.

Damp, still air in the greenhouse causes grey mould, particularly on damp leaves or soft tissue like cyclamen flowers. It is less of a problem with good air circulation, so open greenhouse slightly vents on mild sunny days, shutting them before temperatures drop, early in the afternoon and avoid chilling draughts, (the lack of frost […]

The Ultimate Guide to Growing Winter Vegetables

With winter approaching it’s time to take another look at your garden and greenhouse to see what edibles you can grow and harvest in winter Gardening as a beginner can be very daunting without some expert guidance. Spring and summer are the natural time to sow, grow and harvest fruit and vegetables. But, with winter […]

How clean is your greenhouse?

It is that wonderful time of year when you start reaping the reward for your labours with tomatoes, aubergines and peppers are rapidly ripening and ready for cropping. It’s when plants are at their most ornamental. Imagine the fuss if with a slight change of mindset, glossy black aubergines and vibrant red peppers were regarded […]