Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Pomegranates in the garden and kitchen

Pomegranate, Punica granatum, is a small tree native to the Mediterranean reaches of the near east, and so in zones where the temperature drops below 40F, is a pretty and productive addition to a conservatory garden. Otherwise it will be happy outdoors in regions with arid hot summers and cool winters. In either situation, pomegranate […]

Garden Successā€”Paul Bonine Turns Horticultural Advice on its Head

ā€œSuit your plants to your soil, rather than creating soil to suit your plants.ā€ Thatā€™s what Paul Bonine tells me. Heā€™s the co-owner of Xera Plants, in Portland, Oregon, and author of the upcoming Gardening in the Pacific Northwestā€”A Complete Homeowners Guide. The results of following his advice? Weā€™d all experience less struggle, less work, […]

The tastiest fruit in the world?

You need a greenhouse to crop Feijoas though not to grow these as ornamental evergreen shrubs. For these are fairly hardy, tougher than thought. Iā€™ve had a couple surviving outdoors here in Norfolk for twenty plus years which have never fruited. First introduced from S. America in 1898 these are found in Botanic gardens though […]

November notes and things to do

Now it is getting chilly, terracotta or glazed pots should be wrapped with several layers of ā€˜bubble wrapā€™ or hessian and raised from the ground on bricks or pot feet to stop water-logging and reduce the chances of cracking. They can also be over-wintered in a frost-free glasshouse, at the base of a sheltered wall, […]