Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Written in United States

Socks – Unusual but practical gifts for anyone who works in a greenhouse

Many gardeners are particular about protecting their hands with gloves for different jobs. But what about their feet? Anyone familiar with a greenhouse knows that the coolest part is at floor level. Boots or shoes can only go so far. If you stand around for any time on those floors, your feet will be getting […]

Grape Hyacinths, Muscari

Not usually considered for a greenhouse Muscari are commonly spotted in early spring in an outdoor border for their reliable blue flowers, often mixed with daffodils and primroses. Known as Grape Hyacinths from the shape of each flower on their spikes of tiny blooms, these are both attractive and long lasting with a delightful perfume. […]

My all-time favourite gardening tools

After years of trialing products for the Daily Telegraph I’ve had the pleasure and horror of trialing a huge variety of gardening tools, products and accessories for more than twenty years. Here are five of my all-time favourites Whether you are starting out gardening, or buying a gift for a garden-mad friend or relative for […]

Dragon’s Breath

Celosias were first introduced from the Far East in the Sixteenth century before there were more than a handful of greenhouses so were not easy. Once the heated greenhouse became available then this relation of Amaranthus became immensely popular with over sixty species discovered and introduced from Africa, Asia and the Americas. Then they generally […]


THE GREENHOUSE IN 2025 Greenhouse Partitions The use of partitions in Greenhouses is becoming increasingly popular as gardeners look for more precise control over their growing environment and formally divide structures for additional lifestyle uses. By dividing Greenhouses into distinct zones, partitions allow for tailored microclimates that cater to the specific needs of different plants […]