Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Claytonia / Montia perfoliata, Cuban Spinach, Miner’s Lettuce

Claytonia / Montia perfoliata, Cuban Spinach, Miner’s Lettuce Almost every greenhouse should have some of this low growing ground covering salad plant closely related to Purslane. Not as an ornamental feature necessarily but for it’s fantastic utility. You see this little grown annual, Claytonia perfoliata, Cuban spinach or Miner’s Lettuce hails from the central Americas […]

Jasmine – A delight for all gardeners

A delight with any greenhouse or conservatory is to have the air full of that most delicious perfume Jasmine. Also known as (Sweet) Jessamine. Or rather perfumes for there are dozens of species and varieties, some hardy and many others that really need to be under glass. The hardier ones prefer to ramble and given […]