Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Tulbaghias, do you eat, play or wear these?

This curious genus of pretty onion like flowers from South Africa will both grace, and scent, your cool greenhouse though perhaps in ways you did not expect. Much grown outdoors in countries warmer than Britain and often along paths in the manner of chives this tuberous family also much resemble those Alliums in having garlic […]

Frangipani; marzipan, vanilla, honey and jasmine

Ideally you need a warm sunny greenhouse for Plumeria to thrive for if you keep these happy they’ll reward you with months of the most delicious blooms each so heavily perfumed you almost want to eat them (please don’t, they’re likely poisonous). Their common name Frangipani was taken from an Italian Renaissance nobleman who blended […]

Oleanders are not Olives

A classic greenhouse and conservatory flowering shrub Nerium oleander has adorned gardens in its native Mediterranean since Classical times. First noted as ‘introduced’ here in the sixteenth century Neriums became popular in early glasshouses for their very long flowering period. More so when they found Oleanders will force out of season. Thus Neriums soon became […]

Oleanders are not Olives

A classic greenhouse and conservatory flowering shrub Nerium oleander has adorned gardens in its native Mediterranean since Classical times. First noted as ‘introduced’ here in the sixteenth century Neriums became popular in early glasshouses for their very long flowering period. More so when they found Oleanders will force out of season. Thus Neriums soon became […]

Indian Shot with bright flowers

Indian Shot or Cannas are happiest in frost free greenhouses or a conservatory, they can even go outside all summer. But their lush foliage and incandescent blooms look better for longer under cover where their tropical appearance also seems more appropriate. Found in almost all frost free parts of the world the Cannas are possibly […]

Scindapsus aureus, Devil’s ivy

Devil’s Ivy is a robust variegated scrambling climber, not exactly exciting but so very useful. It’s one of those near bomb-proof plants essential in warm greenhouse, frost free conservatory, the home and many an office. A born survivor it puts up with shade and neglect only eventually dying from cold, prolonged drought or severe water-logging. […]

What has beautiful flowers, stunning colour & tasty fruits?

Seldom found in glasshouses or conservatories this compact shrub is near ideally suited. Although requiring lime free compost and rainwater this’s not much disadvantage as tub culture is so easy and allows the plants to be moved outdoors for those months when they’re dormant. Beautiful flowers? Yes, like large white heather bells these bloom on […]

Selaginella, a Sweat plant??

In any glasshouse or conservatory there are shady spots where the majority of herbaceous plants would not flourish even those we often choose for such places. As light levels fall choice narrows further becoming dominated by ferns and then only where it’s also moist enough. Well Selaginellas are not actually ferns, neither are they club-mosses […]

Fan palms or Dr Livistona I presume

Fan palms, Livistona chinensis & L. rotundifolia, are tough enduring specimens for frost free greenhouses, conservatories or even as house plants. These endure considerable neglect yet make highly decorative foliage displays year round. Although flowering and even fruiting does happen this occurs when mature- by which time these could be 30 feet for the chinensis […]