Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

The Ultimate Guide to Growing Winter Vegetables

With winter approaching it’s time to take another look at your garden and greenhouse to see what edibles you can grow and harvest in winter Gardening as a beginner can be very daunting without some expert guidance. Spring and summer are the natural time to sow, grow and harvest fruit and vegetables. But, with winter […]

Can my garden provide natural food for the birds?

As the seasons change and the leaves fall the skeleton of our gardens comes alive with the sound and movement of garden birds. And it’s beautiful. Spend some time in the garden and really tune in to the birds. You might be amazed at what you find. Some birds arrive from far distant shores to […]

How to grow homegrown potatoes for Christmas

Plan ahead and plant some Christmas cropping potatoes now for your festive feast, says Jean Vernon Growing your own food is a wonderful way to connect with nature, nutrition and your own well-being. There’s little more healthy than harvesting fresh, homegrown produce from your own garden, especially if it’s organic and free from toxic pesticides. […]

How can I create a great greenhouse scent?

When I first fell in love with greenhouses, it was a combination of the earthy aroma coupled with the plant fragrances. But it wasn’t the floral perfumes that tantalise my sense of smell; it was the spicy notes of aromatic foliage that transported me into this leafy world of wonder. If I could bottle the […]