Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Guavas a Great Tropical Fruit for the Greenhouse

In this series of monthly articles Bob explores the incredible range of plants you can grow in a greenhouse, conservatory or plastic tunnel. Not just the purely decorative but the scented and edible also, and maybe those plants that are just downright interesting. This month Bob nominates Guavas. Now Guavas, Psidium Guajava, are not one […]

The Right Temperature & Greenhouse Tomatoes

Spring has been one of the best for years, after several mild winters when plants couldn’t decide whether to be dormant or grow, they’ve responded to a cold rest and sunshine by blooming beautifully, so our spring has been filled with flowers. One interesting feature has been the constant cold winds, which have been present […]

Veggie Garden Mistakesβ€”And How to Avoid Them

This is the year of the vegetable gardenβ€”from the White House to local front lawnsβ€”everyone is planting crops. However, even seasoned gardeners can have disappointments with veggies. So I asked my friend, Rose Marie Nichols McGee, owner/ president of Nichols Garden Nursery in Albany, Oregon, what to do about the most common edible errors. Rose […]

Greenhouse Pest Control – Bug eat Bug – Part 5

When you are growing plenty of plants to eat it can be particularly disheartening to find that other creatures are helping themselves to your hard grown crops. Now I don’t mind sharing the odd fruit or veg in the garden, I can hardly complain if a hungry creature needs to feed its offspring, but I […]

Growing Pumpkin for Halloween – Part 3

If there’s one way to get children interested in gardening its to give them their own growing projects. Kids either need to grow something that will give them fast and obvious results, like salads and potatoes, or a project that creates something that inspires them. Children love to grow giant sunflowers with their big smiley […]