Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Not Tyranosaurus but Begonia

I have written before of the tremendous value in our greenhouses from the Begonia tribe though I was mostly talking about their huge range of floral varieties. Now I am waxing even more enthusiastically about the foliage varieties of Begonia particularly B. Rex-cultorum. Rex is a term not often employed in botanical Latin and as […]

Hardy Annuals

Gardeners are very suspicious about organic gardeningĀ but, as I always say it isnā€™t a new-fangled thing. Itā€™s been practised for centuries by our ancestors, who knew the importance of the natural world when it came to growing crops. Winchester Cathedralā€™s thousand or so 14th century roof bosses contains some with flowers and vegetables. These almost […]