Protected: Bare essentials
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In an increasingly uncertain world, food security is high on the national agenda – but sowing, growing and saving our own seed sparks a virtuous cycle that lets gardeners take back control. What if I told you that the adaptability and resilience we’ll need to navigate the growing uncertainties in a future of profound climatic […]
The dark days of winter are no time for fairweather friends – you need reliable, low-maintenance stalwarts to keep your greenhouse cropping through to spring Last September I sowed the seeds of a wintertime get-together for some old friends, whose company I knew I would relish from the darkening days of late autumn right through […]
For the sake of animals, people and planet, it’s time to transition to manures we can grow. Every so often, I discover a project with the potential to turn the way we do gardening on its head – to make it fit for our rollercoaster future and, above all else, help it raise its ecological […]
The potential for a grow-your-own revolution is already built into urban landscapes – all that is needed is the will and the vision to unleash it. After over 20 years of rural living, a fortnight spent in an urban, edge-of-town setting has reinforced my lifelong belief that gardening – in all its forms – is […]
Unlike the costly high-tech carbon capture and storage strategies being proposed to mitigate climate change, tree-planting is free, simple, people-powered – and proven. I’ve beaten the redwings to it. The crowd has skirted along the edge of the wood and descended on my neighbour’s rowans, where they’re now merrily stripping them of their dazzling orange […]
Quiet, non-polluting, kind to wildlife, people-powered, earth-friendly: scythes win over strimmers on every count – but sometimes you need to see to believe. It’s the sound that pulls them in – the harsh, honing rip of stone against steel isn’t an everyday sound here. As soon as I start sharpening, heads start to turn. ‘Is […]
All gardening makes life better in the here and now – but when you plant trees, you’re also growing a better future. Nowadays, amid the wonder, awe and gratitude I feel whenever I gaze upon trees, lurks something else: an odd feeling of sadness. This has nothing to do with how a particular tree might […]
Every growing season is different – but with gardeners across the country agreeing that this year’s is downright odd, have we reached a tipping point in our gardens and greenhouses? What word would encapsulate your gardening experiences this year – or, for that matter, since last autumn? Unusual? Peculiar? Weird? Abnormal? Only one nails it […]
Now that most open ground is waterlogged for much of the year, under-cover space is more precious than ever – and a group of ingenious growers have found a way to maximise the benefits. Whooping, clapping, cursing, the clunk of metal on metal, and what sounded like a squeaking legion of wheelbarrows, crying out to […]
Will you opt for a classic deadwood construction, or get creative – even weaving in living elements for the long term? Either way, a dead hedge is a win-win for your garden and its wild life. Angry autumn and winter storms harried and toyed with my garden’s boundary fence, leaving sections of it weakened, wobbly […]
In an increasingly chaotic, frenetic world, we need to find a still centre – and for greenhouse gardeners, there’s one safe zone where we can be sure of feeling grounded. It’s all a bit too much, isn’t it? Too volatile, too costly, too unpredictable, too unsettling, and without a doubt, at times, too downright nasty. […]