Make Your Own Bumble Bee Nest with our DIY Guide
Over recent decades numbers of bumblebees have begun to decline, one of the main causes of this being the changes in agricultural practises that have removed the numbers of flowering plants, giving bumblebees little to feed on.
One of the main ways we can try to combat this decline is by providing nest sites for the furry insects. Whilst an abundance of flowering plants is important to bumblebees, somewhere to lay their head is just as important and providing nesting sites can help to boost population and reduce the declining numbers.
We teamed up with the Bumblebee Conservation Trust, who work to support the conservation of these insects and raise awareness of their plight, to produce a handy guide on how to make your own DIY bumblebee nest using everyday household items.

So there you have it, within a no time at all you will be helping save the Bumble Bees! If you want to download this handy guide into PDF form to share with all your friends simply remember to link back to and
Download the Guide Using the Image Below