All the advice you need to grow herbs on the patio or veg plot

Kitchen Garden magazine and Hartley Botanic brings you simple advice on easy-grow herbs.
From practical advice on growing herbs in containers or pots or bags, using herbs in cooking, storing herbs and maintaining your herbs.
Of course, you‘ll also get the best tips on growing 13 herbs.
With detailed instructions and takeaway tips on each herb, this series will provide you with all the information you need to start growing your own herbs at home, on your balcony or even in your greenhouse.
Here’s a message from Steve from Kitchen Garden,
The herbs which we most commonly use in the kitchen or to provide colour and scent in pots and tubs around the garden are so easy to grow.
In fact, we guarantee that if you follow the simple advice here, you will wonder why you were ever tempted to pay the high price of a potful of chives, coriander or parsley in the supermarket.
Yet the sheer number of these pots grown and sold nationwide shows just how popular cooking with herbs has become in recent years.
If you don’t do so already, we hope this guide will encourage you to resolve today to grow your own and to sow some seeds or cadge or buy some plants and to start your own collection so that you will always have a flavoursome supply ready to hand whenever you need them.
To get you started, we have selected 13 of the easiest and most useful herbs and explain how to grow them whether you have a full-sized veg plot or allotment or no more than a balcony or window sill on which to grow your produce.
And because most herbs are so decorative, often with pretty flowers and scented leaves, they fit equally well into mixed flower borders as they do into a bed, basket or growing-bag on their own.
Apart from the advice you will need on growing individual herbs, in this guide you will find essential information on growing herbs in containers, maintaining your herb beds and pots throughout the year, harvesting and storing herbs to ensure you lose nothing of their great flavour and some suggestions for using herbs in the kitchen.
We hope you enjoy reading this guide and that it will encourage you to discover and grow more of these useful and beautiful crops.
Happy plotting,
Growing Herb Advice & Maintenance
- What herbs to grow and where
- Growing herbs in different locations (beds, containers, grow bags)
- Maintaining your Herbs
- Harvesting, Storing and Cooking Herbs
How to grow…
Please note all words and images in this series are copyright of Kitchen Garden.
This series was first published as a booklet by Kitchen Garden.