And Win A Hartley Tradition 6 Greenhouse For Your School.

The Get Your Grown-ups Growing event forms part of the RHS’s wider Campaign for School Gardening, which encourages schools to create gardens, teach the skills of growing and in turn enable their pupils to learn outside the classroom.
Each October schools are asked to hold a Get Your Grown-ups Growing event so they can benefit from the help and support of parents and the wider community.
The RHS Campaign for School Gardening was launched in 2007, and now has more than 16,000 schools signed up – meaning that more than 3 million children in the UK are benefiting from learning to garden at school.
For more information on the campaign and Get Your Grown-ups Growing, visit www.rhs.org.uk/schoolgardening
This year’s prize is a fantastic Hartley Tradition 6 greenhouse, the ideal place to teach youngsters how to grow their own fruit, vegetables or flowering plants.
The prize will be awarded to the school that holds the most inspiring event.