Hartley Magazine

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Getting School Children at Ibstock Place School in to Gardening

Mini greenhouses are an excellent choice for those who wish to get into gardening. Not only do they offer a great taster into the world of horticulture, but they are great stepping stones to buying a bigger greenhouse. Of course, if you do not have the room in the garden for a fully fledged greenhouse, mini-houses are brilliant for popping up on a terrace or balcony. We recently supplied Ibstock Place School with four of our patio greenhouses.

Three Hartley Mini Greenhouses at the Ibstock Place School, Roehampton

Not only are patio greenhouses great for the home, but they also make tremendous learning tools to have in schools or colleges where children can learn all there is to know about growing plants and vegetables on a small scale.

Hartley Botanic Patio Mini Greenhouse
Hartley Botanic Patio Mini Greenhouse at the Ibstock Place School, Roehampton

Ailsa West from the school bought four mini greenhouses for her school had this to say:

‘The greenhouse provides a very effective way to display the wide variety of plants including the fruit, herbs and ornamentals we wanted to grow. The front sliding door provided easy access to the three spacious layers for both watering but also for organising. The top layer, with a sloping roof, allows taller plants to grow at the back and smaller, more delicate ones at the front. The ability to lift the roof enables us to access the top plants as well as encouraging the circulation of air and providing another means of controlling the temperature. The greenhouses offer a tremendous experience for pupils who are keen gain horticultural skills.’ Ailsa West 

Of course, if you feel that the mini greenhouse may be a tad too small for you, you may be happy to know that here at Hartley, we have also recently unveiled The Opus; a greenhouse designed for that chic contemporary look that doesn’t cost the entirety of your garden.